𓂸 Omaha’s STIs
The only sickness your mom doesn’t Want to hear about
Sexual education in Omaha, Nebraska was non-existent, but that didn’t stop young people from having sex. It just stopped them from using protection. This manifested the highest STI rate in the United States and, even then, no one talked about it. Such was the culture. The kids were getting sick and everyone else was keeping it secret. So when a coalition of nonprofits from the city asked us to help convince young people to get tested, we came up with a campaign to stare down stigma and stir up discussion.
PSA: Getting tested is not the scariesT thing in the world
Know what’s scarier than getting tested? A rampaging, mansplaining zombie. Save yourself from the lecture, if nothing else.
That PSA aired around Halloween and got a lot of attention for scandalizing the whole town. But we didn’t want the conversation to die, so we kept taking up space. As much as we could. With billboards and fake store fronts. The people of Omaha, Nebraska couldn’t ignore a problem that looked as big as it was.